Grab-and-Go Meals and Bus Stop Locations
Grab-and-Go Meals will be available at the following stop locations during the week that TASD schools are closed. Students must give their name and student identification number in order to receive the meals. ALL STOP TIMES ARE 10:15-11:00 AM.
Bus 1
Beacon Point Apartments - 2301 Arkansas Blvd
Bus 2
Chapel Ridge Apartments - 4717 County Ave
Bus 3
Washington Academy Center - 1900 Marietta St.
Bus 4
Former Union Elementary School - 1701 Line Ferry Rd
Bus 5
Orleans Apartments - 2400 E 24th St.
Bus 6
Park Ridge at Texarkana - 600 Price Ln.
Bus 7
Miller Crossing Apartments - 1604 E. 50th St.
Bus 8
Fairview Elementary School - 820 E. 17th St.
Bus 9
Smith Keys Village Apartments - 3302 Washington
Bus 10
Village Park South - 2225 East St.
Bus 11
Links Apartments – 333 Links Dr.
Bus 12
Ridge at Texarkana Apartments - 701 N. Oats
The following locations are available for meal pick up:
Arkansas High School Cafeteria
Harmony Leadership Academy
Trice Elementary